Assignment #3

Provide a short discussion of each of the assigned papers (listed under Course Materials). Below are questions to think about (you should discuss at least some of these but you don't have to address them all):

Bandit-based Monte-Carlo Planning
Optional sections: 2.4

The all-outcomes determinization as described in this paper is very weak: it just guarantees you'll take an action that has a non-zero chance of leading to the goal. The algorithm also seems to require constructing multi-step actions, which leads to an exponential blow-up in the number of actions.

One way to improve it is to:

  1. For each action a, with outcomes (s1, p1), .... (sn, pn), generate n deterministic actions a1, ..., an where action i leads to state i, but has a cost of -log pi.
  2. Search for "shortest" path using these new actions.
  3. Take the first action on that path.
Given this approach:

Neural Fitted Q Iteration
This algorithm can be used to "solve" a known MDP with large or continuous action spaces, to get a value function. It can also be used in a classical "online" reinforcement learning setting, with no known model or simulator and simply access to an unknown world.

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