Assignment #4
Provide a short discussion of each of the assigned papers (listed under Course Materials). Below are some questions to think about:
Optional section: 4 (but try to understand what is being proved)
- Why don't we just use A* search?
- How is the simple one-directional RRT different (and preferable to) a "random walk" in the configuration space?
- What happens in this algorithm if a collision-free path does not exist?
- There is no explicit "heuristic" in this search, why does it work well (it does)?
- The authors mention "path smoothing", what is that and why is it important in this context?
Contact-Invariant Optimization
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of sampling-based methods vs optimization-based methods for planning motions?
- Compare and contrast Sections 4.3, 4.4 in this paper to STRIPS planning.
- No one has managed to get this approach to work on a real robot; what do you think might make that hard?
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Feb 20 at 10 am.